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Are you wondering what awards shows and their amazing after-parties are like? Wonder no more! Here at VIP Concierge, we know all about what to expect when you head to an awards show. And, we know how to get exclusive tickets, too.

Ready to learn more? Read on and learn about some of the amazing events that our clients have gone to. Discover inside knowledge about backstage passes and events.

With VIP Concierge you know you’re getting an experience that lasts a lifetime. And, you know that it’ll be an experience at the height of luxury, too. So, check out our stories on all the latest awards shows and events!

country guitarist playing in a concert
September 30, 2019

The Inside Scoop on the 2019 CMA Awards The CMA Awards are coming, and they’re coming with a whole bunch of changes. Marc Bolan said it best in his song Dandy In the Underworld, when he sang “Change is a monster, and changing is hard.” Another fine comment on change is “Most people are unwilling to give up the comfort they have for the greater comfort they seek.” Here at VIP Concierge, you not […]

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See who's set to win the teen choice awards this year
August 13, 2019

Teen Choice Voting Continues Until the Last Minute They say there are only two things guaranteed during a person’s lifetime – death and Texas, but we at VIP Concierge beg to differ with them, whoever those “they” people might be. We can think of at least two other things you can count on as well. You know that the FOX network has never held back on the apparent rebellious nature of its programming. It […]

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Check out the MTV VMAs and see who will be there in 2019
event party. red carpet entrance with golden stanchions and ropes. guests in the background
November 19, 2018

Attending the Oscar awards is certainly a fabulous experience, but it pales in comparison to the after parties. That’s when all the stars and movie moguls get together to celebrate their fortune or commiserate their losses. Either way, they’re there to have fun, after of course, changing into their most sensational attire for public consumption. The parties are the crème de la crème.

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