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Celebrate The Holidays In New York City

September 09,2019

Start a Holiday Tradition in New York!

There’s nothing quite like New York City at holiday time. When the lights go on at Yankee Stadium, it’s time for the Yankees to play a night game.

new york city at night in the middle of the holiday action

When the lights flicker in a Broadway theater, the play is about to begin.

And when 30,000 lights wrapped around a 70-foot tall Norway Spruce in Rockefeller Center all light up along the concentric, circuitous 5-miles of wiring on the 4th of December, the entire nation will kick into holiday mode, launching millions of shoppers into their yearly frenzied celebrations.

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting

rockefeller center at christmas time

What could be better than seeing that tree light up on the Internet or national news? Well, seeing it in VIP style has those beat by about 10,000% for several reasons.

  1. You can go ice skating in the beautiful rink adjacent to the center while you’re in the area.
  2. The shopping zones of NYC are just waiting for you, calling your name. Get out the plastic and do some damage to your credit rating!
  3. The best live theater is all around you. Take in a Broadway or off-Broadway or an off-off-Broadway play or the ever-popular Rockettes Christmas show.
  4. Come a few days early and enjoy the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on the 28th of November.
  5. That nip in the air adjusts your mind to the change of seasons, and it puts you in the mood to celebrate another year’s passing.
  6. Did we mention shopping? We did? Well, the shopping here is so good that it’s worth mentioning twice.

VIP Concierge loves this time of year, and we enjoy offering VIP viewing packages to our members. You’ll have an unobstructed view from our VIP perch overlooking Rockefeller Center.

Contact VIP Concierge for more data and to reserve your tickets to the Christmas Tree Lighting at Rockefeller Center.

And while we’re on the subject of the holiday season and New York City, another local event that has gone national is the most famous parade in the world–the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

If you’re like most U.S. residents, you probably remember watching the parade on Thanksgiving morning while the turkey roasted. School was closed for the 4-day holiday, and if you lived up north, it was probably already snowy.

Here’s a quick riddle: What has over 100 legs and arms, is 60-feet long, 60-feet wide, 30 feet tall and costs half-a-million dollars to fill with gas?

A Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon, that’s what.

The balloons come in two styles–novelty and full-size, and can be seen gassing up the day before at Manhattan’s Museum of Natural History, which is another great place to visit in the Big Apple.

Once the parade has finished, the crowd descends onto the shopping zones of NYC. The holiday season has officially begun. Black Friday is the next day.

Stores unveil their holiday window dressings, sales spring up, and the countdown to the 25th of December begins again as Santa loads his sleigh.

Make your holiday season merrier than ever. Start a new tradition with your family or continue your old one. These two events will really kick start your celebration this year, and we’re happy to help however we can. Feel the difference our VIP treatment makes!