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August 6, 2019
November 19, 2018

After last year’s slimey Kids’ Choice Awards, why would WWE Wrestler and actor John Cena want to return as host for the 2018 slimetastic event? Because it’s fun, that why. Cena has officially been named as host, and he had better be slime proof because gallons of the icky green stuff will be coming his way. Of course, the goop is easily washed off after an hour in the shower and gallons water and voluminous amounts of soap.

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November 19, 2018

Attending the Oscar awards is certainly a fabulous experience, but it pales in comparison to the after parties. That’s when all the stars and movie moguls get together to celebrate their fortune or commiserate their losses. Either way, they’re there to have fun, after of course, changing into their most sensational attire for public consumption. The parties are the crème de la crème.

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